Proclaiming the Glory of the Work of Jesus Christ!

Worship Jesus Christ in Community this Sunday at 10:00am.

Family Bible Study meets every Sunday at 9:00am.



What to Expect..

Our worship services at Grace Community Bible Church are designed with all of God’s children in mind. Our goal is to encourage you to love and worship our Savior Jesus Christ and to help every worshiper to love the neighbors that God has graciously placed in their lives.

We offer a nursery for infants and children. We hold a small class for children.

The attire at Grace Community Bible Church is comfortable and modest. Whether you arrive in a pressed suit or jeans and a t-shirt, everyone should feel accepted as they draw near to the love of God. God the Father looks for a pure heart, and so we look to the heart without focusing on the exterior.

The music in our church is carefully selected to encourage all those present to lift up their voices in praise to God. We sing modern praise and worship along with traditional hymns. Our songs align with our faith and doctrine in order to instruct the gathering and to help prepare all to spend intimate fellowship in the Word of God and with one another. The songs each Sunday are used to draw us into the mindset of what will be presented in the Scripture.

The preaching in our church is expository. This means Pastor Shawn preaches verse by verse, section by section, and chapter by chapter as we work through the books of the Bible. Nothing is skipped or passed over or ignored, so our church and all who attend receive the instruction of the whole counsel of the Word of God.


The Growth Group

On Sundays at 6:30pm at the church, we meet to discuss the morning’s sermon following discussion questions presented in the weekly bulletin. We get a little deeper into the Text and speak on how we can live out the information we have received from the Word of God.